Configurable partner types (e.g. sales partner, user, experts, etc ...) that can be registered in a single module. A partner can belong to more than one partner type.
Different data fields can be set for each partner type. Required fields can also be set separately.
Partner data can be defined individually in the list and search screen.
Using APIs to transfer and receive data with other partner databases, e.g. with a company-level central partner base.
You can create a new offer from tan empty form, or by copying an existing offer or contract. This makes it easier to release an offer in different versions.
Packages can be created quickly and easily from pre-defined insurance coverage. The cost of insurance coverage can be determined in great detail.
Exclusions and limits can be assigned to packages to speed up risk assessment. Many discounts or surcharges can be applied, e.g. loss ratio bonus, fee rate discount, etc.
Fixed and user-modifiable text clauses are also available. Clauses are automatically printed on the offer form, insurance policy and later on the claim.
Management of named and unnamed insured persons in the offer. All insured premiums are calculated per cover. Insured can also be uploaded from Excel or a web service.
Moby is able to calculate insurance premiums according to a predefined pricing logic. In the case of a premium product, it is sufficient to specify the sum insured and the premium.
Moby is able to calculate insurance premiums according to a predefined pricing logic. In the case of a premium calculation, the sum insured and the premium are required.
When creating an offer, you can define the permissions that an offer must go through. In this way, the offer issuance process can be kept under full professional supervision.
Előre definiált sablonok alapján elkészül az egyedi azonosítóval ellátott ajánlat és a szükséges mellékletek. A pdf dokumentumok elmentésre kerülnek a dokumentumtárba és az ajánlatben megtekinthetőek, letölthetőek.
The data and search fields to be displayed on the listing screen can also be freely defined.
The offer takes different statuses from creation to finalization. Different responsibilities and tasks can be defined for the given statuses.
Different case and task types can be defined according to the needs of the organizational units.
You can also define authorization levels to handle cases. Only the user who has the competence can open and execute the given case.
In the workflow module, a unique processing can be defined for each case type.
In the defined processing process, we handle different statuses from the creation of the case to its closure. Responsible users and tasks to be performed can be defined for each status.
There can be any number of tasks associated with a case. Through the tasks, the case manager can involve other users in resolving the case.
If a user outsources a task to an expert, he has the option to set a timeout. If the waiting time expires and you have not yet received the required information, the application will alert the user.
A case can also be created automatically as a result of an activity, e.g. a case can also be generated from an incoming mail. You can also set rules for automation, e.g. which user the created case should go to.
It is possible to attach documents to each case. The documents are saved in the document library and can be opened or downloaded next to the file.
The data and search fields to be displayed on the listing screen can also be freely defined.
Using the claim APIs, it is also possible to create a claim case through a service by external partners. When the claim case is created, the insurance coverage is automatically checked.
Claims settled by an external service partner can also be loaded from Excel. In this case, the payment is made as a single payment to the external service partner.
If the contract or the insured cannot be established on the basis of a claim, the claim can be established without them. The claim can be resumed by filling in the missing information at a later date.
Different claim data can be defined for different coverage and causes of claim.
Many external and internal experts and employees are involved in the claims settlement. Different roles can be defined and authorization levels can be set in the claims settlement process.
A unique processing can be defined for each claim type.
In the processing process defined in the workflow, we handle different statuses from the creation of the claim to the closing. Responsibilities and tasks to be performed can be defined for the given statuses.
The claims administrator can issue tasks from the claims case, e.g. you may order an inspection or request an expert opinion.
It is possible to attach documents to each claim. The documents are saved in the document repository and can be opened or downloaded in addition to the claim.
The data and search fields to be displayed on the listing screen can also be freely defined.
Commission items are always created at the insured and coverage level
Moby also uses a flat fee and percentage commission calculation solution
Commission rules can also apply to cover, package, contract, broker, sales channel, and product. If more than one rule can be interpreted for the contract at the same time, the commission will be calculated on the basis of the strongest rule during the evaluation.
It is possible to define commission sharing in the commission rules, where the commission is distributed between two different intermediaries in the given ratio.
Along with the fee prescription, we also create the related commission items immediately. If a fee is booked, the required commissions will become payable.
During the closing of commissions, we sort out the commissions with payable status. Prior to payment, commission closure must be approved by a professional and financial approver.
When creating commission rules, we use validations to e.g. no overlapping rules can be recorded.
The data and search fields to be displayed on the listing screen can also be freely defined.
All documents generated by Moby or uploaded to Moby are automatically saved in the document library.
Defined metadata and tags are saved to documents.
The data to be displayed on the listing screen and the search fields can also be freely defined based on the meta data. Through the recommended API, other applications can also search for documents stored in Moby.
With a central document repository, it is possible to automatically transfer documents created in Moby, along with metadata.
Moby is able to take over incoming payments and changes in the status of payments from the banking modules.
Any financial items that arrive at Moby will be included in the incoming items. These payments can be further processed automatically or manually.
If a contract generates a bonus during settlement, it is treated as an incoming payment by the finance module. When automatically generating invoices, we automatically reduce the amount due with these items.
If a partner transfers a financial item belonging to several accounts at the same time, that item must be split before booking. This can be done by the administrator, and then the created items can be booking to the appropriate place immediately.
Incoming financial items are automatically booked to an account if the account can be identified based on the announcement. It is also possible to manually booked items and post between invoices and contracts.
If an incoming payment cannot be identified or an item cannot be booked, it must be returned to the payer. To do this, it is possible to move incoming items between outgoing items.
All outgoing payments, claims payments, fee refunds are an outgoing item, which is placed in a list after its creation, from which, after an approval process, the administrator can send it to the recipient of the payment via the banking interface.
During the payment, a professional and financial approval process takes place before the outgoing items are handed over to the banking module. Depending on the amount, one or more permitters can be set here.
The data and search fields to be displayed on the listing screen can also be freely defined for financial items.
Moby can also send emails to users, insured and partners. Moby uses templates when sending mail.
If a central mail service is available, Moby will transmit and receive messages and other information from this application.
You can configure Moby to monitor mailboxes. Emails can be automatically created from incoming mail, or replies to previously sent mail can be filtered and forwarded to the original senders.
Predefined reports can be stored in the report subsystem and run from there at any time.
The report subsystem has its own authorization management. Reports can only be run by a user who has the required permissions.
Reports can be placed in a predefined library structure according to topics. You can also search for the name of the report in the directory structure.